Anggrek Food Court, 1st Floor.
1413 hours
"Whatever you do now, I don't care. I don't give a damn thing about that."
I always try to do my best to devote myself to help others, especially my friends. I tried to show that I care about my friends, and at least I want to help them if they have any problems. I might be just have advice and suggestions to give. I tried my best to make all of you happy. But, what did I get? Disappointment. Maybe it's true that this world is untrusted at all. Well then from now on, I don't give a damn thing about your problems. Suit yourself. I'm outta here, and I'm out from your life. Ciao~
Kamis, 28 Februari 2013
God's Word : "My Will to do His Will"
Dorm Room
0831 hours
2 Samuel 6 : 1-22
"David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the LORD with all his might"
- 2 Samuel 6 : 14 (NIV) -
We can see that David did his best to bring the Ark of the Lord to his city. His first attempt failed because Uzzah did something wrong with the Ark, and it made God's angry, then He killed Uzzah. David didn't lose hope. He find some other way to bring the Ark. He put off his clothes, and he danced to praise the Lord, while the Ark was brought by the Priest. He always sacrificed an ox and a fatling for every 6 steps they take. Not even Michal's touts can make David stop.
In everything we do, we must do it with a strong will. A will that will reach to the God's holiness. Have you had the will like that?
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men"
-Colossian 3 : 23 (NIV)-
0831 hours
2 Samuel 6 : 1-22
"David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the LORD with all his might"
- 2 Samuel 6 : 14 (NIV) -
We can see that David did his best to bring the Ark of the Lord to his city. His first attempt failed because Uzzah did something wrong with the Ark, and it made God's angry, then He killed Uzzah. David didn't lose hope. He find some other way to bring the Ark. He put off his clothes, and he danced to praise the Lord, while the Ark was brought by the Priest. He always sacrificed an ox and a fatling for every 6 steps they take. Not even Michal's touts can make David stop.
In everything we do, we must do it with a strong will. A will that will reach to the God's holiness. Have you had the will like that?
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men"
-Colossian 3 : 23 (NIV)-
Rabu, 27 Februari 2013
My Log #11: "This Whole World is Paradox."
1200 hours
"Watch out with what you believe. You don't really know whether or not it's true or false. You may trust this world, but don't believe in it. You'll disappointed because of it"
You might say that I'm insane to say thing, because if we can't believe each other, we can't survive this world. Well yeah. It's true that if we don't work with each other, we won't survive this world. But, you won't know what is the true motives behind all of this stuff. Someone might be friendly to you for now, but he/she might be stabbing you behind in the end. One shall stand upon the others, and if you can't stand against it, you'll be the one to fall down. This whole world is paradox. Everything that everyone said to you seems to be true, but it's opposing each other. You must take a stand whether you will take one of those arguments, or you will take your own arguments to oppose all of them. Sometimes, you don't need to know what did they believe. It might harm yourself, body or mind, or even your soul. When you decided to take one of those many arguments to be hold, you'll oppose the other side, and it will be war for you, but if you decided to take a stand on your own arguments, you might be neutral, and will stay out of it, or you'll be opposed by all of them. Whatever you choose, it's you to decide. Don't regret your decision. It's the best for you, you know? Sometimes, it's better for you to play solo than to play in groups. When you play solo, you'll decide on your own, but that'll means you against the world. If you play in groups, you'll have company to guide you and to support you on your back. You won't be alone to face the world. But, you must not believe whole-hearted to your company. There might be someone who tru to oppose you, and stab you from behind. It's okay to trust people, but don't believe them. Believe in God, and you'll be save.
1200 hours
"Watch out with what you believe. You don't really know whether or not it's true or false. You may trust this world, but don't believe in it. You'll disappointed because of it"
You might say that I'm insane to say thing, because if we can't believe each other, we can't survive this world. Well yeah. It's true that if we don't work with each other, we won't survive this world. But, you won't know what is the true motives behind all of this stuff. Someone might be friendly to you for now, but he/she might be stabbing you behind in the end. One shall stand upon the others, and if you can't stand against it, you'll be the one to fall down. This whole world is paradox. Everything that everyone said to you seems to be true, but it's opposing each other. You must take a stand whether you will take one of those arguments, or you will take your own arguments to oppose all of them. Sometimes, you don't need to know what did they believe. It might harm yourself, body or mind, or even your soul. When you decided to take one of those many arguments to be hold, you'll oppose the other side, and it will be war for you, but if you decided to take a stand on your own arguments, you might be neutral, and will stay out of it, or you'll be opposed by all of them. Whatever you choose, it's you to decide. Don't regret your decision. It's the best for you, you know? Sometimes, it's better for you to play solo than to play in groups. When you play solo, you'll decide on your own, but that'll means you against the world. If you play in groups, you'll have company to guide you and to support you on your back. You won't be alone to face the world. But, you must not believe whole-hearted to your company. There might be someone who tru to oppose you, and stab you from behind. It's okay to trust people, but don't believe them. Believe in God, and you'll be save.
My Log #10: If Machine replaces Human
Dorm Lobby
2315 hours
"Every AI Expert have their biggest fear, which is human works will be replaced by machines, so the humans will lose everything to machines and robots."
I just follow a class of Artificial Intelligent, and then my lecturer said,"Every AI Experts fear the machine if they replace human in the future. AI itself is always being a topic of debate up until now. They (the expert) said that if an "intelligent" human can create an "intelligent" device that can be "intelligent"ly equal with human, he is as good as God, even better (this might be a reason why many scientist became atheist, and (I believe) most of them were expert of AI). I started to think,"Yeah it's true that human has an excellent thinking, but still, human creates them, and (actually) God creates human with their excellent thinking, so nobody can be a God, because they were made by God Himself". Then, I still believe that human cannot "create" things. We just can "transform" things into different stuff, but we can't create things. Only God who can create stuff. There's no reason not to believe in God. :)
2315 hours
"Every AI Expert have their biggest fear, which is human works will be replaced by machines, so the humans will lose everything to machines and robots."
I just follow a class of Artificial Intelligent, and then my lecturer said,"Every AI Experts fear the machine if they replace human in the future. AI itself is always being a topic of debate up until now. They (the expert) said that if an "intelligent" human can create an "intelligent" device that can be "intelligent"ly equal with human, he is as good as God, even better (this might be a reason why many scientist became atheist, and (I believe) most of them were expert of AI). I started to think,"Yeah it's true that human has an excellent thinking, but still, human creates them, and (actually) God creates human with their excellent thinking, so nobody can be a God, because they were made by God Himself". Then, I still believe that human cannot "create" things. We just can "transform" things into different stuff, but we can't create things. Only God who can create stuff. There's no reason not to believe in God. :)
God's Word : "Choose Me and left them, or choose them and left Me"
Dorm Lobby
0237 hours
Luke 14 : 25-35
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple."
- Luke 14 : 26 (NIV) -
0237 hours
Luke 14 : 25-35
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple."
- Luke 14 : 26 (NIV) -
We, as a Christian, don't have any struggling to be a "follower", but how to be a "disciple" is main struggling for all Christian. Why?
Believing in Christ isn't because man's work, but because of God's work. This explains too that servant in the fellowship cannot make the person to repent, but only because of God's grace and mercy that makes them repent. To be a disciple of Christ means live like Christ, be like Christ, and think like Christ. If we see from Luke 14, there were many people who follow Jesus, but they don't have the right motivation to follow Him. Most of them believe in Him because of His miracles, not because of His teachings and they don't have the will to be His true disciples (John 6 : 26). They don't really know Him personally. That's why Jesus said to them,"“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters — yes, even his own life — he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14 : 26). This verse indicates that God wanted his disciples to make Him as The Only One, not The Primary One. If we say that He is the primary one, then we still have the secondary and many more. But, if we said that He is The Only One, then our love to God will become the largest than our love to everything in this world (even our own life), and to take commitment as a disciple, it has a price to pay, too. We have to prepare ourselves to leave everything, even our comfort zone, to take the risk in becoming Christ's Disciple. It's a huge price, but worth an eternal price, you know?
Sadly, more than 90% of the Christian all over the world don't realize themselves that they are the disciple of Christ. The truth is that they who has a title of "Christians" are disciples, and it can't be separated. It's really hard to be done, but it's worth try. Hmm nope. We have to do it. We are the disciples. We just being challenged by God. Will we take those challenge to be the true disciples, or will you reject it and leave God's love?? To be honest, I still struggling with the same thing, so let's work it out together. Fight to be a true disciple!!!
Reference: Preach by K' Meidy in Friday Fellowship - February 22nd, 2013
Reference: Preach by K' Meidy in Friday Fellowship - February 22nd, 2013
Selasa, 26 Februari 2013
Dari Baja Menjadi Katana
Kamar Kost
2116 hours
"Apakah tukang periuk tidak mempunyai hak atas tanah liatnya, untuk membuat dari gumpal yang sama suatu benda untuk dipakai guna tujuan yang mulia dan suatu benda lain untuk dipakai guna tujuan yang biasa?"
- Roma 9 : 21 -
Pas aku ngebaca dari Yeremia 18 : 1-6 tentang Yeremia yang disuruh Tuhan untuk pergi ke tukang periuk, aku jadi keingat sesuatu. Tuhan memang membentuk kita dengan berbagai cara, tetapi tentu saja hanya satu tujuannya, yaitu supaya kita bisa menjadi sama dengan Kristus. Aku juga berpikir tentang hal lain selain periuk (karena periuk itu sudah terlalu mainstream menurutku).
Aku berpikir mundur melihat sejarah - sejarah abad pertengahan. Di zaman pertengahan (misalkan di Zaman Edo di Jepang), mereka berperang menggunakan pedang. Setiap pedang yang digunakan untuk berperang tidak dibuat dengan sembarangan. Setiap bijih besi yang digunakan harus dipastikan benar - benar baik dan berkualitas tinggi serta murni, sehingga bijih besi tersebut dilebut sehingga menjadi baja yang baik. Baja - baja tersebut diseleksi guna mendapatkan "tamahagane", yakni baja murni yang berkualitas tinggi. Setelah itu, baja - baja tersebut nantinya akan dilebur kembali, ditempa lagi untuk menghilangkan zat - zat yang dapat membuat baja itu menjadi "tidak murni". Selanjutnya, baja - baja tersebut akan dipanaskan dan dibentuk menjadi mata pedang yang baik. Bila dirasa tidak sempurna, baja tersebut akan dilebur kembali, kemudian dibentuk lagi sehingga menjadi sempurna. Selanjutnya tinggal memasang gagangnya, dan menempatkan pedang tersebut pada sarungnya, sehingga menjadi sebuah Katana, pedang yang digunakan para Samurai, yang juga menjadi lambang kehormatan para Samurai.
Dalam pembuatan katana ini, bila kita melihat cara Tuhan bekerja, sebenarnya sama saja. Tuhan memilih orang - orang yang mempunyai hati yang murni yang benar - benar ingin mengikut Dia, yakni orang - orang yang menjadikan Tuhan sebagai satu - satunya dalam kehidupan mereka, dan untuk dijadikan murid-Nya. Tuhan akan mengambil orang - orang yang berkualitas seperti "tamahagane" agar Dia bisa membentuk kita sesuai yang Dia mau. Tuhan akan "melebur" kita dan "menempa" kita terus menerus untuk "memurnikan" diri kita yang masih berstatus orang berdosa ini (Tentu saja sebagai manusia, kita tidak luput dari dosa), dan "membentuk" kita menjadi seperti yang Dia mau melalui setiap tantangan, cobaan, dan godaan yang kita hadapi. Bila ternyata dalam prosesnya terdapat "kerusakan" (jatuh dalam dosa), Tuhan akan "melebur" kita kembali dan akan membentuk kita lagi supaya menjadi sempurna. Saat kita telah "jadi", kita dinyatakan telah siap untuk dipakai menghadapi peperangan rohani, dan kita akan turun membawa citra Kristus, sesuai dengan apa yang telah Allah tanamkan pada kita, agar seluruh dunia bisa mengetahui kemuliaan Allah lewat diri kita. Sudahkah kita merelakan diri kita untuk "ditempa" oleh Allah? Mari kita belajar melihat setiap kesuksesan, kegagalan, cobaan, penderitaan, dan berkat Allah sebagai suatu sarana Tuhan membentuk kita menjadi murid yang sejati yang membawa citra Kristus kemanapun kita pergi. God bless you, readers. ^_^
2116 hours
"Apakah tukang periuk tidak mempunyai hak atas tanah liatnya, untuk membuat dari gumpal yang sama suatu benda untuk dipakai guna tujuan yang mulia dan suatu benda lain untuk dipakai guna tujuan yang biasa?"
- Roma 9 : 21 -
Pas aku ngebaca dari Yeremia 18 : 1-6 tentang Yeremia yang disuruh Tuhan untuk pergi ke tukang periuk, aku jadi keingat sesuatu. Tuhan memang membentuk kita dengan berbagai cara, tetapi tentu saja hanya satu tujuannya, yaitu supaya kita bisa menjadi sama dengan Kristus. Aku juga berpikir tentang hal lain selain periuk (karena periuk itu sudah terlalu mainstream menurutku).
Aku berpikir mundur melihat sejarah - sejarah abad pertengahan. Di zaman pertengahan (misalkan di Zaman Edo di Jepang), mereka berperang menggunakan pedang. Setiap pedang yang digunakan untuk berperang tidak dibuat dengan sembarangan. Setiap bijih besi yang digunakan harus dipastikan benar - benar baik dan berkualitas tinggi serta murni, sehingga bijih besi tersebut dilebut sehingga menjadi baja yang baik. Baja - baja tersebut diseleksi guna mendapatkan "tamahagane", yakni baja murni yang berkualitas tinggi. Setelah itu, baja - baja tersebut nantinya akan dilebur kembali, ditempa lagi untuk menghilangkan zat - zat yang dapat membuat baja itu menjadi "tidak murni". Selanjutnya, baja - baja tersebut akan dipanaskan dan dibentuk menjadi mata pedang yang baik. Bila dirasa tidak sempurna, baja tersebut akan dilebur kembali, kemudian dibentuk lagi sehingga menjadi sempurna. Selanjutnya tinggal memasang gagangnya, dan menempatkan pedang tersebut pada sarungnya, sehingga menjadi sebuah Katana, pedang yang digunakan para Samurai, yang juga menjadi lambang kehormatan para Samurai.
Dalam pembuatan katana ini, bila kita melihat cara Tuhan bekerja, sebenarnya sama saja. Tuhan memilih orang - orang yang mempunyai hati yang murni yang benar - benar ingin mengikut Dia, yakni orang - orang yang menjadikan Tuhan sebagai satu - satunya dalam kehidupan mereka, dan untuk dijadikan murid-Nya. Tuhan akan mengambil orang - orang yang berkualitas seperti "tamahagane" agar Dia bisa membentuk kita sesuai yang Dia mau. Tuhan akan "melebur" kita dan "menempa" kita terus menerus untuk "memurnikan" diri kita yang masih berstatus orang berdosa ini (Tentu saja sebagai manusia, kita tidak luput dari dosa), dan "membentuk" kita menjadi seperti yang Dia mau melalui setiap tantangan, cobaan, dan godaan yang kita hadapi. Bila ternyata dalam prosesnya terdapat "kerusakan" (jatuh dalam dosa), Tuhan akan "melebur" kita kembali dan akan membentuk kita lagi supaya menjadi sempurna. Saat kita telah "jadi", kita dinyatakan telah siap untuk dipakai menghadapi peperangan rohani, dan kita akan turun membawa citra Kristus, sesuai dengan apa yang telah Allah tanamkan pada kita, agar seluruh dunia bisa mengetahui kemuliaan Allah lewat diri kita. Sudahkah kita merelakan diri kita untuk "ditempa" oleh Allah? Mari kita belajar melihat setiap kesuksesan, kegagalan, cobaan, penderitaan, dan berkat Allah sebagai suatu sarana Tuhan membentuk kita menjadi murid yang sejati yang membawa citra Kristus kemanapun kita pergi. God bless you, readers. ^_^
Senin, 18 Februari 2013
My Log #9: "Some things are better left unknown"
My Dorm Room
1538 hours
"Everyone do everything to know about me. But, what will you do when you already knew it?"
Many people always ask me about my life."Hey man, whazzup? You seems to have a problem. What's wrong with you?" or "Bro, you look so happy today. Is there any girl who attract you?" or something like that. Well, to be honest, I'm not really that open.The information about me is classified, and only a few people were allowed to know it. Even so, they don't really know everything about me.
I don't really need anyone to asked me whether or not I've eaten my lunch. I just want to live my own life. Sometimes, some things are better left unsaid and unknown.
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