Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

My Log #2: "Wake up, bro. It's morning."

My Dorm Room
0954 hours

"Okay, I woke up already."
Well, new day, new stuff (or so I think). It might be the same as the other days. So, nothing really matter, huh?
Anyway, somebody told be about "Special Day". What is special day for you? He said that special day is when he can share stuff with people. Well, I get it. We feel like it's something special when we can spend some of our time with people around us. Hmm I see.
Have a "Close Friends" is good, but what I see is they're not even close enough to be called "Close Friends".  Some of them become this "Close Friends" just because they need something. Once they get it, they're leaving. Well, the truth is I won't tolerate people like this. Don't you believe in people. They might be stabbing you from behind without you noticing. You may trust them, but don't believe in them. Believe in God Jesus Christ. He will provide everything that's best for you. It's not like I suggesting you to not befriend with people, but I just want to say that human has its own limit. Don't you really trust them, for they can only do a few.

So, what is "Close Friends" to you?

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