Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

My Log #5: So you think you know it all?

My Dorm Room
0016 hours

"There is no one who does good, not even one."
- Psalm 14:3b NIV -

"Well man. This is a cruel world. You won't survive unless you follow their rules"
"Don't be so naive, man. This is a big city. You can't be a good guy forever."

Alright. You know what? I've been sick with those words. They think that they were right from the start. They just think that they know more than the others, so they think they can freely scolding people and telling people that they know nothing. Yet, if you don't take their advice, they will alienate you, and keep talking about their ideology that (actually) wrong. I'm sick with them. They don't want to be criticize by the others, yet they criticize the other people mistakes. Just what is your problem? We have our own lack of ability. We do learn, but don't you ever think that you can do everything, and yet you can scold people like they can't do anything like you do. Don't be a stubborn. Listen to what other people was saying.

Remember this:
"As it is written: There is no one righteous, not even one"
- Romans 3:10 NIV -

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