Nov 19th, 2012
[07.04 P.M]
Alright. In this post, I'd like to share something that called "True Friends".
Every people in this world cannot live only by themselves. People need each other to be their friends. Friends is to help us, to warn us, to laugh with us, to cry with us, to do some stuff together, and so on. You must be crazy to think that,"I don't need any friends. I can do it myself." or "Friends only bring troubles and I don't like troubles". Yeah, people don't like troubles, even me hates troubles. But, friends are not trouble. They'll help you when you need them, and they'll give you advice for some stuff. That's why we need friends. We may have a hard time in dealing any differences between us, but as the time passed, we can handle it, and we can change differences into powers to overcome anything in this world. I know one thing: whenever we face troubles and we think we can't make it, we're not alone. We got friends to help us. Even if you think you don't have any friends in the world, you still have Jesus. So, do you still feel like forever alone? Think again. :)
BalasHapustapi qta juga harus berhati-hati dalam memilih teman (no offense) dalam dunia ini terdapat yang baik dan yang buruk begitu pula dengan teman, i guess you know what i mean. When we get advice or opinion from a friend, it's better jika kita tidak menerimanya secara mutlak without filtering, i guess wht i'm trying to say is bertemanlah dengan banyak orang tapi bersahabatlah dengan sebagaian orang. :)