Senin, 31 Desember 2012

a few hours remaining

Dec 31st, 2012
[20.16 P.M]

Only a few hours remaining. We only have to wait a little bit before we leave this year (2012). What are you thinking about 2013? Do you have any resolution? Do you have something to achieve? If you do, make it real in 2013. If it takes a long time, make a good progress during 2013, and as always, keep your knee on the floor to pray and worship God for your whole life. Keep your faith and keep listening to the God's Word.

So, what will you do for 2013? :)

Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Diffable Day

Dec 3rd, 2012
[09.49 A.M]

Chapter 12:1-25

Some of us will think when we see a disabled-person. Some will say,"How poor is that person. I bet he can do nothing". But, don't you ever think that God's Power is more that what we can imagine? He even uses those disabled-person (or at least for us) to succeed His plan. They're not disabled, they just have their own way to do the same stuff as us. They're differently-abled person, means that they are able to do stuff like other normal people do, but in different way. How Great is Our God to have such power to do so.
Let us pray for them. Let them being used more by God to succeed His greatest plan for us.
Happy Diffable day.